February 1, 2019 | Portland, OR
The Kanim Associates, LLC Team just finished up with the energy work at the 2019 Affiliated Tribes of NW Indians (ATNI) Winter Convention in Portland, Oregon this last week of January. Very busy week working on the ATNI Energy Committee Agenda which included updates from our Energy Partners:
Bonneville Power Administration, Tribal Affairs
Renewable NW
NW Energy Coalition
National GRID
Wells Fargo, Philanthropy
Forth, Empower Mobility
Renew Oregon
Energy Trust of Oregon
Spokane Indian Housing Authority
Tribal Healthy Homes Network
We also coordinated a workshop for the ATNI NW Energy Efficiency Network titled “Energy, Livability and Resiliency: Innovations in residential energy and environmental quality.” Great session on how to become energy self-reliant and do it in a way that keeps indoor environmental quality high. With fire season coming up this year, we need to learn methods for keeping safe and healthy in our homes.
For more information about the energy work at ATNI visit www.nwtribalenergy.net.