Our services focus on energy, utility, environment, cultural resources, art, and education. We work with many organizational clients, including: professional service firms, businesses, nonprofits, and government agencies. We help our clients improve performance through analysis of existing challenges and development of future plans. We also provide our client's with project development, feasibility analysis, project management, grant/contract management, product development, and technical assistance.
Our professionals are national leaders in the feasibility study, formation and operation of tribal utilities. On our team are trained attorneys and we work extensively for tribes, having led the efforts to analyze, form and advise three of the newest currently operating tribal utilities in the U.S.
We have performed numerous feasibility studies for tribal utilities and assisted many tribes in their energy related issues. Our successes have required a specific understanding and application of the unique technical, regulatory, legal and sovereignty issues faced by Indian tribes as they form utilities and achieve their energy goals.
Our Professionals are national leaders in developing intertribal, intersectoral, and intergovernmental projects and policy processes. We have worked extensively for tribes on water rights adjudication, water resource management agreements, carbon sequestration, energy conservation, forestry management, land use, range and agriculture, and integrated resource management. We have organized the Changing Currents Tribal Water Policy Project www.changingcurrents.org.
We have worked on social enterprise projects that advance tribal economic development in coordination and alignment with tribal environmental stewardship principles. We are currently working with NW Tribes to establish a regional tribal energy efficiency network, see www.nwtribalenergy.net.
Our Professionals are educators and have taught middle school, high school, college, graduate, and professional degree programs. We have developed educational curriculum around STEM education, STEAM education, Tribal Relations, Comparative Tribal Governance, Intergovernmental Relations, and developed specialized workshops.
Most recently, training for the ATNI Energy Program’s Tribal Energy Efficiency Network. We currently have commissions and contracts with University of Oregon, The Evergreen State College, Oregon State University and Portland State University.
Our professionals have expertise in enterprise, project and program management. We have extensive experience in grants and contracts management and procurement. Our professionals have expertise in mediation, facilitation, and collaborative processes. We have work with our clients to develop regulatory codes, business plans, building resource networks, and develop sound creative projects.