DIRELLE CALICA, J.D. (Warm Springs & Yakama)

currently located in OR

Leads, manages and ensures Kanim Associates' values, mission and vision are implemented in the firm's work, services and products.  She is responsible for developing and coordinating the firm's operation strategy, goals and direction.  She ensures the necessary operational, financial, regulatory, and day-to-day tasks are in order for the firm's successful operations.  

Ms. Calica has 20-years of experience as a field, legislative, policy, planning, and regulatory advisor with the U.S. Attorney’s Office-District of Oregon, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and various Indian Tribes. Ms. Calica has extensive professional experience in intergovernmental affairs, hydrosystem planning, resource conservation, and tribal energy policy. She has also served as a White House Intern and Mark O. Hatfield Congressional Fellow in the U.S. Senate.

SHIROD YOUNKER, BFA (Miluk Coos & Coquille)

currently located in OR

Native artist, program manager, and tribal canoe skipper.  Mr. Younker also manages the only pre-college Native American Art program at Oregon College of Art and Craft for indigenous teens, which was founded in 2004 has included Native American, Native Hawaiian and Maori students. Mr. Younker serves on the Coquille Indian Tribe's Culture Committee.  Mr. Younker has a degree in Fine Arts from Oregon State University.


currently located in Colorado

Over 25-years of professional experience as an attorney, legal counsel, policy adviser, and technical consultant.  Her experience includes work for the Western Area Power Administration, Native Power Corporation, and Utility and Energy Specialist at Dames & Moore, and co-founded the Law Office of Schaff & Clark Deschene, LLC.  Ms. Schaff has extensive expertise with tribal energy development, utility formation, strategic energy planning, energy efficiency and conservation, legislative and policy analysis, and regulatory expertise.

Emeritus: Charles “Jody” Calica

Mr. Calica is a member of the Warm Springs Tribe (Tygh and Clackamas Bands).  He is both a practicing and investment Partner in Kanim Associates, LLC.  Mr. Calica recently retired, after three consecutive terms, as the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary-Treasurer for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.  

Prior to Mr. Calica's appointment as Chief-Executive Officer and Secretary-Treasurer he served the Tribes' as the Chief Operations Office (COO).  Prior to the COO, assignment, he served for over 15-years as the Tribes' Natural Resources Department, General Manager.  Mr. Calica has extensive experience and expertise in complex and dynamic financial, multi-party, business, policy, and development initiatives.